How Does Florida Handle Deadbeat Dads?

May 24, 2019

Deadbeat dads are not just absentee dads, they are fathers that do not carry out their responsibility to support their kids after divorce. Basically, they refuse to be there when their kids need them, financially or emotionally. Under Florida law, it’s not a pretty thing to be considered a deadbeat dad. This is because of the strong consequences attached to being considered as such.

When it concerns child support, the state of Florida takes the financial obligations of either spouse very serious. And the courts will do everything within their power to ensure that the kids are not abandoned by their father.


Florida family courts hold parents to their responsibility to provide financial support to their kids. And they will do everything they need to do to ensure that you comply.

Generally, the state of Florida has an idea of how much it should take to raise a child. The courts would often arrive at a calculation of how much you should pay as child support by considering your income and that of your spouse, as well as the number of children you have. Once the amount of child support is determined and the order of the court is made, you are obligated to pay.


The courts are very big on ensuring that you comply with child support orders. If you are a deadbeat dad, the court could take any one or more of the following actions against you:

  • They could garnish your wages
  • Hold you in contempt of court
  • Seek your bank accounts
  • Sell assets from your estate, such as your car
  • Suspend your drivers’ license and even your passport

The consequences do not end there. If you still refuse to comply, the court could even put you in jail for a period lasting up to a year. As we said earlier, the courts are pretty big on ensuring that parents fulfil their financial obligations to their children.


Now, it is important to point out that paying child support does not entitle you to spend time with your children. Child support and visitation are totally unrelated. So, no matter how consistent you are with child support payments, it is only the parenting plans decided by the court that determine visitation.

Failing to pay child support will not take away your right of visitation. The court cannot take away your right to spend time with your children simply on the basis of not. While the two are not connected, you should not allow yourself to be called a deadbeat dad. You can talk to a skilled attorney, they may have advice you can take to get your name in a better light.